Personal instruction


Personal instruction

Participants can tailor their instruction at the Double L Center for Foreign Languages to their requirements.

Na individualnoj nastavi sva pažnja profesora usmjerena je na polaznika, pa se između polaznika i profesora vrlo brzo razvija dijalog na stranom jeziku. Usvajanje stranog jezika znatno je brže budući da je čas u trajanju  od 90 minuta fokusiran isključivo na pojedinca, a ne na grupu.

Kroz individualnu nastavu,  odnosno jedan – na – jedan podučavanje,  iskusićete način učenja prilagođen  vašem rasporedu i ciljevima, uz pomoć fleksibilnog programa koji će profesor prilagoditi Vama. Mi  pružamo mogućnost da izaberete profesora, koji može biti i izvorni govornik.

U Double L centru za strane jezike naučite više od 26 jezika (Study over twenty-six languages at the Double L Center for Foreign Languages: English, Montenegrin, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Swedish, Greek, and more.

Specialist courses are available in addition to the more general language programs, and these include:

    • classes in business English (diplomacy, European integration, business correspondence, economics, banking, finance, marketing, etc.);
    • classes in conversation (general conversation, cultural conversation, and English as a foreign language in the EU, etc.) that call for a B2 or C1 level of proficiency;
    • a course to get ready to work abroad (in English, German, French, Italian, etc.);
    • a program to get elementary and high school students prepared for external exams to test their foreign language skills;

Individualno usavršavanje stranih jezika je pravo rješenje  ukoliko:

    • to make significant progress in your language learning journey;
    • to manage your other responsibilities while learning a language;
    • get private lessons either in your home or at a state-of-the-art teaching center;
    • if you prefer not to work in a group;
    • find it difficult to adapt to set class times;
    • for private lessons that offer the flexibility of appointment scheduling, which can be changed as needed;
    • Lastly, if you want to be able to conduct business effectively in a foreign language.

Private courses allow you to hone your abilities in all areas, including written and verbal correspondence, presentations, meetings, negotiations, and other aspects of running a successful business


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Bank account: 520-19427-91 (HIPOTEKARNA BANKA)

Bank account: 510-3967-70 (CKB)

Bank account: 540-3097-69 (ERSTE BANKA)

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